
asked questions

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The following are symptoms of ADHD:

  • Careless mistakes and lack of attention to detail
  • Trouble focusing and following through on tasks
  • Difficulty listening, even when spoken to directly
  • Fails to follow through on instructions and becomes easily sidetracked
  • Difficulty organizing tasks, poor time management
  • Avoids tasks requiring sustained mental effort
  • Regularly loses things needed for tasks, like school materials and phone
  • Easily distracted
  • Forgetful in daily activities and responsibilities
  • Fidgets or squirms
  • Leaves seat when expected to sit
  • Runs or climbs when inappropriate (may be limited to feeling restless in adolescents and adults)
  • Difficulty with quiet activities
  • “On the go” and others find him/her difficult to keep up with
  • Talks excessively
  • Blurts out answers before a question has been completed, completes other people's sentences
  • Has trouble waiting their turn
  • Interrupts or intrudes on others

This is not a complete list of the criteria for ADHD, and having some of these symptoms of ADHD does not necessarily mean that your teen has ADHD. If any of the symptoms above sound familiar, consider talking to your teen’s healthcare provider. Prepare for the appointment with our Discussion Guide.

What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?

The condition ADD (attention deficit disorder) was initially developed, as the name suggests, to describe people with attention deficit disorder. It was considered to have two types, with hyperactivity or without hyperactivity. Some people have more attention-deficit symptoms, while others have more hyperactivity symptoms. With advances in medicine, the name was changed to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is a more complete description. Today, it is known that ADHD has 3 subtypes: mainly inattentive, mainly hyperactive/impulsive, or the combined type.

Could my teen still have ADHD if they aren’t hyperactive?

Yes! In fact, studies have shown that symptoms of hyperactivity tend to become less prominent with age, while symptoms of inattention and impulsiveness tend to persist.
See ADHD symptoms

Does ADHD go away in teens?

ADHD was once considered a childhood disorder that resolved during adulthood. That’s incorrect. In fact, there’s growing recognition that ADHD persists into adulthood. Approximately 50%-66% of children with ADHD continue to have ADHD symptoms as adults.

How is ADHD in teens diagnosed?

Since there are no biomarkers accepted for ADHD, diagnosis can be challenging. Diagnosis should be based on a complete history and evaluation by a doctor. Doctors use screening criteria set out by the American Psychiatric Association, rating scales, and questionnaires.

How do I know if my teen has ADHD and not something else?

Only a trained healthcare professional can accurately diagnose ADHD. If you are concerned that your teen may have ADHD, make an appointment with their doctor. Prepare for the appointment with our Discussion Guide.

What causes ADHD?

The exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but research suggests that ADHD tends to run in families. However, this does not mean that everyone in a family will have the disorder. Certain factors, such as smoking during pregnancy or complications during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy, may increase the likelihood of having ADHD.

In addition, the brain uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to help send messages across the brain. An imbalance of these chemical messengers may result in the inattentive and hyperactivity/impulsive symptoms of ADHD.

Is there a cure for ADHD?

Medications do not cure ADHD. However, medications may help improve ADHD symptoms. Medication may not be right for everyone and may be used as part of a total management plan for ADHD that includes counseling and other therapies.

Where can I find ADHD support groups online or in my area for my teen?

We’ve created a list of resources to help you find the support you may need.

Are there ways to treat ADHD without medicine?

There are treatment approaches to ADHD that do not involve the use of medicine. One approach is a type of counseling called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that helps patients learn skills to manage ADHD symptoms. CBT can be used alone or in combination with medicine. Work with your teen's healthcare provider to determine which approach is best for them.

What does Mydayis treat?

Mydayis is for the treatment of ADHD in patients 13 years and older. Mydayis is not for use in children 12 years and younger.

What does MAS stand for?

MAS is an acronym for Mixed Amphetamine Salts, a group of drugs that are stimulants commonly used to treat ADHD.

Understand the differences between Mydayis and other Mixed Amphetamine Salts medications.

How do Mixed Amphetamine Salts (MAS) treat ADHD?

Amphetamines are stimulants that enhance the effects of key brain signaling molecules dopamine and norepinephrine. How amphetamines work to treat the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not exactly known. The first Mixed Amphetamine Salts (MAS) product was approved for the treatment of ADHD in 1996. MAS have been used for the treatment of ADHD for over 20 years.

How long does one Mydayis capsule last?

Studies showed that Mydayis helped to improve attention in teen (aged 13-17) patients with ADHD up to 16 hours after dosing, measured from 2 hours. See Study Results.

How does the triple-bead delivery of Mydayis work?

Mydayis is the first ADHD treatment to offer triple-bead delivery for the extended release of medication. Each capsule contains equal amounts of 3 different types of beads—two of which are made with different delayed-release coatings. The different coatings allow the medication to release slowly over the course of the day for prolonged drug delivery from only one capsule per day.

What doses does Mydayis come in?

Mydayis is a once-daily capsule available in two strengths to treat ADHD symptoms in adolescents: 12.5 mg and 25 mg. For adult patients, four doses are approved: 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 37.5 mg and 50 mg. How to take Mydayis.

What are the side effects of Mydayis?

Mydayis, other amphetamine-containing medicines, and methylphenidate are stimulants that have a high chance for abuse and can cause physical and psychological dependence. Mydayis may cause serious cardiovascular, psychiatric, and circulatory side effects. Also, seizures and serotonin syndrome may occur during treatment with Mydayis. Slowing of growth (height and weight) in children can occur. The most common side effects of Mydayis in adults and adolescents include trouble sleeping, decreased appetite, dry mouth, increased heart rate, anxiety, nausea, irritability, and weight loss. These are not all the possible side effects of Mydayis.

For more information, talk to your doctor and see Important Safety Information.

Can Mydayis be addictive?

Mydayis, other amphetamine containing medicines, and methylphenidate have a high chance for abuse and can cause physical and psychological dependence.

Your healthcare provider (HCP) should check you or your child for signs of abuse and dependence before and during treatment with Mydayis.

Tell your HCP if you or your child have ever abused or been dependent on alcohol, prescription medicines, or street drugs. Your HCP can tell you how physical and psychological dependence and drug addiction are different.

Mydayis is a federally controlled substance (CII) because it contains amphetamine that can be a target for people who abuse prescription medicines or street drugs.

Keep Mydayis in a safe place to protect it from theft. Never give Mydayis to anyone else, because it may cause death or harm them. Selling or giving away Mydayis may harm others and is against the law.

For more information, talk to your doctor and visit the following sites:

National Institute on Drug Abuse

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Who should not take Mydayis?

Do not take Mydayis if you or your child are:

  • allergic to amphetamine or to any of the ingredients in MYDAYIS. See the end of the Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients in MYDAYIS.
  • taking, or have taken within the past 14 days, a medicine used to treat depression called a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).

See full Important Safety Information.

Is Mydayis OK for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding?

If your teen is pregnant or breastfeeding, or plans to become pregnant or breastfeed, be sure to let their doctor know before starting Mydayis. It is not known if Mydayis will harm an unborn baby. Mydayis passes into breast milk, and an adolescent or adult taking Mydayis should not breastfeed. Talk to your teen's doctor about the best way to feed the baby while taking Mydayis.

Pregnancy Exposure Registry
There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to MYDAYIS during pregnancy. Healthcare providers are encouraged to register patients by calling the National Pregnancy Registry for Psychiatric Medications at 1-866-961-2388 or visiting online at​research/pregnancyregistry/.

How should I talk to my teen’s doctor about Mydayis?

Here are some possible conversation starters for your teen's next appointment to help you and your doctor determine if Mydayis may be right for them.

  • Walk through your teen's daily schedule and activities. Let their doctor know when they may need help with symptoms.
  • Talk about your teen's struggle with symptoms during the day. How are they managing the different aspects of their day?
  • Ask about different ADHD treatment options. Discuss how your teen's current ADHD management plan is working for them.

What information should I tell my teen’s doctor before they start Mydayis?

Before starting Mydayis and during treatment, tell your teen's doctor about all of their health conditions (or family history of these conditions), including:

  • Any previous or current abuse or dependence on alcohol, prescription medicine, or street drugs
  • Heart problems, heart defects, or high blood pressure
  • Mental problems, including psychosis, mania, bipolar illness, or depression, or a family history of suicide
  • Circulation problems in fingers and toes
  • If they have any kidney problems. Mydayis should not be taken if your teen has end stage renal disease
  • Seizures
  • If your teen is pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant or breastfeed
  • About any medicine (prescription or non-prescription) that your teen is taking, especially medicines called MAOIs that are used to treat depression

How much does Mydayis cost?

With the Mydayis Savings Offer, eligible patients can pay as little as $30 for each prescription (up to 30 capsules) until the offer expires.

Click here for eligibility and restrictions.

Does insurance cover Mydayis?

Everyone’s insurance is different, so it’s best to ask your insurance provider or healthcare provider for additional information on how a Mydayis prescription works within your plan.

Is there a generic version of Mydayis?

No. There is no generic version of Mydayis available.